Print proof, Google Play and a fair go

In case you’ve been away or living under a rock, there are really big developments occurring in the publishing world. People are releasing survey results left and right. Sharing data most of us would never get our hands on. It makes for very interesting reading, if you keep an open mind that everything is open to interpretation. The most controversial (to the panicked masses) seems to be coming from Hugh Howey’s Author Earnings website.

Things I always keep in mind when I read publishing surveys:

  • Not every survey can include every scrap of information we want.
  • Publishing data, in particular author earnings estimates, has never been shared so freely before. Without a central database of some kind there is no way to factor in every author’s earnings to the picture.
  • Some people dislike change and the people who don’t follow along with what they’re doing and get grumpy

Determining where you might fit into our fast changing industry is no easy task. You can spend SO much time looking at earnings levels, indie vs trad published, reviews and rankings, trying to see the sense in everyone’s opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I do love stats and conversations about publishing. But after the first release of new material there comes the inevitable naysayers who insist we must choose a side to stand on that just gets so depressing.

Its been a really big week for naysayer nonsense. Many thanks to Hugh Howey, Data Guy, and the Spider that’s crawling into interesting places and weathering the storm. Please keep it up. 🙂

For the record, I’m 100% indie published and pretty happy with the decisions I’ve made for my stories. If you’ve got a problem with those decisions please don’t bother to tell me. I make a living. I’m paying the bills.

What I want, all I want, is for authors to have a fair chance at making a living from their writing and have a chance to own, or get back, the rights to the spoils of their imaginations.

*slides soapbox beneath desk again*

Something exciting to leave you with…

20140221-103801.jpgDuring the week the print proof copy of An Accidental Affair arrived from Createspace. So very excited to see it in print at last. Also, I’m getting my books uploaded for sale at GooglePlay. Sadly it is taking a very long time unfortunately as we have a lot of books to load at once and GooglePlay seems to update only overnight. May be another week or two before that is complete. Will post links soon.



New Release and exclusive preorder available now

Happy Valentines Day!!  I hope your special someone spoiled you rotten. Mine was pretty quiet, treated hubby to breakfast, went to the bank, and have just finished some updates to my website. LOL. I truly have had a romantic day. I’m pleased to be back into writing again.

WR_BoxSet200New Release

At long last the Wild Randalls series is available in one ebook. Catch every moment of the Wild Randalls adventures in this 4 book edition – Engaging the Enemy, Forsaking the Prize, Guarding the Spoils, and Hunting the Hero.


APPLE iBOOKS : AUS  |  US  |  UK  |  Canada

AMAZON: AUS | US | UK | Canada




Upcoming book release

I have great news. An Accidental Affair is now available exclusively at Apple iBooks for preorder at a limited time price of 99cents (or equivalent currency depending on your iBookstore location). Normal price is $4.99 so be sure to nab it at the special price when you see it.

Available for pre-order from Apple iBooks for only 99c for a limited time.

APPLE iBOOKS: AUS  |  US  | UK  |  Canada

The book will become available at other retailers from March 12.

Current WIP

Keepsake, an upcoming regency romance, is keeping me up nights. It’s my first romance with an already married couple and this pair do not get along. At all. I’m about a third of the way through the first draft. This pair, Kit and Miranda, have major chemistry but they dont understand the first thing about each other. I have a feeling I might need a few hugs as this one gets written. They’re bound to exhaust me.

Book reviews and reviewers

Many thanks to those who’ve requested An Accidental Affair to review via NetGalley. Approvals are up-to-date and if you were not accepted it was likely for the following reasons:

  • No working links to a blog, reviewing account at Amazon or other selling sites, or even to Goodreads even when specifically mentioned in your profile.
  • Review blog mentioned is abandoned (not updated recently) – come on we do check these things. Some mentioned blogs were even blank!
  • Cited interests, field of work, age conflict with the content of my book. I write regency romance that tends to be on the dirty side. If there’s a chance the book going to offend your sensibilities it got a decline.

In short when it comes to NetGalley approvals, if your profile is solid (links that work, description that proves you do like hot historical romance) we probably would have approved you. Netgalley is not a site to grab a free book. It’s for legitimate reviewers and that is who we approved. Thank you for taking the time to ask.

Now, since its Friday afternoon I’m going to grab a glass of wine, my ipad and settle back to read a regency romance and watch the yachts sail by on Lake Macquarie. Have a great weekend!

Cover Reveal: An Accidental Affair

Cover Reveal: An Accidental Affair

About the Book:

London’s ballrooms and bedrooms thrive on scandal and decadent pleasure and the summer of 1814 will be no exception for the Distinguished Rogues in Heather Boyd’s latest Regency romance.

An Accidental Affair

Widowed beauty, Arabella Lawson, Lady Farnsworth, knows the value of independence after being trapped in a marriage that left her unfulfilled. Although she longs for a lover at last, she’s expected to chaperone her flirtatious niece during her first season. However, given the way the girl keeps disappearing every chance she gets, there is little hope of a good or speedy result. While searching for her charge yet again, she blunders into one of Lord Rothwell’s scandalous assignations. This time it’s Arabella’s turn to be on the receiving end of his hungry kisses, and she’s far from prepared to make the most of the opportunity.

Gossip may paint Merrick Bishop, the Earl of Rothwell, as a notorious scoundrel when it comes to women, but this season his intentions are honorable. Duty bound to marry, he’s determined to discreetly court an open-minded bride and prove the gossipmongers wrong by being on his very best behavior… until in his frustration, he mistakenly kisses the wrong lady and discovers that everything about the encounter feels so very right. Merrick never once believed he had a chance with shy Arabella, and when the unthinkable happens, she turns to him not for an affair or hopes of marriage but for his friendship and protection from her own family.

Can a rogue with a reputation for breaking hearts convince a widow who only hopes for an affair that their feelings are not only the stirrings of desire but the beginnings of the deepest and truest love?

An Accidental Affair, Distinguished Rogues Book 4 releases March 12


Miss George’s Second Chance Giveaway Prize Draw

Miss George's Second Chance Goddess Fish Blurb Blitz Tour

Thanks so much to the  tour host blogs and Goddess Fish Promotions for setting up the Miss George’s Second Chance Blurb Blitz tour and giveaway. I really enjoyed my time visiting and chatting on each blog and thanks so much to the readers who followed me around. As promised, I’ve chosen three comments at random (well, my minions chose) to receive a copy of Miss George’s Second Chance.

~ * ~

Giveaway Winner #1 Genie Gabriel via Christine Young Romance Writer

Giveaway Winner #2 Linda (Thanks for stalking LOL ) via Buried Under Romance

Giveaway Winner #3 Glenda via Long and Short Reviews

Congratulations and I’ll be in touch shortly via email OR … please contact me via the contact form

New Review

Many thanks as well to Queen of All She Reads for posting a lovely review for the book during the blurb blitz tour. Here’s an outtake:

The scenes between Imogen and Peter are well written and completely enjoyable.  They have great verbal and emotional chemistry, though Imogen is reluctant to admit to her emotions at first.  Ms. Boyd does a good job developing both characters and I really enjoyed getting to know Imogen and Peter both and learning their strengths and weaknesses.

Queen of all She Reads voted Miss George’s Second Chance 4 1/2 crowns out of 5. Yay and thanks for reviewing Please click here to read the full review of my regency novella.

Miss George’s Second Chance – Blurb Blitz Tour Week 1

Miss George's Second Chance Goddess Fish Blurb Blitz TourHey. I’ve got some great news. Miss George’s Second Chance is off on a Blurb Blitz Tour for the next three weeks thanks to the hard work of Goddess Fish Promotions and the following list of fantastic bloggers who have agreed to showcase my regency romance novella.

Today, January 6, I’m at  Books to Light Your Fire then for each day until the week ends I’m at the following blog locations. Be sure to comment because there will be a quiz later and an ebook giveaway. Actually, the quiz is only a joke but there will be a giveaway to three randomly chosen readers during the tour.

January 7: Long and Short Reviews
January 8: Buried Under Romance
January 9: Love Saves the World
January 10: Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
January 10 SECOND STOP Punya Reviews…

Blurb Blitz Week 2

January 13: Christine Young Romance Writer
January 14: Bunny’s Review
January 15: Doing Some Reading
January 16: Room With Books
January 17: Reviews by Crystal

Blurb Blitz Week 3

January 20: Francesca’s Mindstream
January 21: Queen of All She Reads
January 22: My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews
January 24: Susana’s Morning Room

I’m hoping the tour will have lots of comments so be sure to visit each one and say hi at least. Comments make everyone happy. 🙂 Thanks and I’ll see you all there.

[some links might not work until the blogger publishes them. It will depend on their location. 🙂 ]


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