Only one more SSS to go. 🙁 I keep waiting for a reprieve but I suppose all good things must come to an end. I am following straight on from last week, Doris is captured by a cruel man. To see the previous post click here.
“My lord, you’ve caught me just as I was leaving.” Doris tried to extract her hands but no matter how hard she tugged, the viscount held on.
He dragged her hand to his arm and pinned it there. “That I simply cannot allow; you must walk with me. We have much to discuss.”
Subtle snubbing in the past hadn’t convinced him of her disinterest, and the swish of his riding crop against his boot added to her anxiety.
I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. If you’re new, each Sunday a great bunch of writers publish a short six sentence excerpt from a work in progress or a published story. You will find amazing authors participating in Six Sunday by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #SixSunday via Twitter.
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Yikes! What a horrible man! (I hope we see her safely away from him next week!)
Er, no. Not in the six. But I won’t leave you, or anyone else hanging. 🙂
Your words make the characters come alive – great stuff
The peril she’s in becomes more ominous…
If you’ve an anon comment on your six this week that was me. I forgot to identify myself for livejournal. 🙁
I was wondering. Thanks for letting me know, and for your comment.
I hope she gets a hold of that riding crop and uses it to convince him of her disinterest. Nasty fellow!
Spoiler alert. He’ll get worse … eventually.
An unattractive and pushy man with a taste for non-consensual domestic discipline – absolute nightmare. Love your description.
Thank you. I’m planning on having my hero teach him a lesson he won’t forget by the end of the story.
Oh no! Hopefully she can escape or find someone to help her. Great six! 🙂
That line about the whip swishing against his boot, gave me an immediate picture of this bloke’s character, cruel, crude and arrogant. Fabulous six.
Yikes! That added to MY anxiety too. I’m so in denial about the end of Six Sentence Sunday. I’ve made so many great friends this way. 🙂