Coming soon: Hunting the Hero

I am so ready for spring to be here because that means Hunting the Hero releases worldwide. Australian spring is September 1st and I’m so busy now it’s scary. There are reviews to arrange, print edition to proof, and contests to organize, not to mention making sure this book is available for pre-order everywhere I can get it. (So far, Amazon is not coming to the party. Boo!) But … to hold you over till September I’ve got a cover to show you. Ta da!!!!!!

Coming soon: Hunting the Hero

I know how I feel about the couple in the cover, but for fans of the series is this close to how you imagined Rosemary Randall to be?


Stay tuned for next week’s blog post because I’ve a message from Rosemary to share with you. Till then

Hunting the Hero

She can lose her birthright, but not her heart!

Meredith Clark wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as the courtesan, Calista, and her newest lover is both intriguing and rugged enough to capture her fancy. But the widowed Earl of Grayling craves more than this woman’s dazzling intelligence and fiery passion. He wants her as his mistress, and if she won’t agree to that, he’ll settle for taking her home as his daughters’ governess.

Determined never to be tied down to one person or place, Meredith prepares to run again. Yet something deep inside her yearns to stay — until she discovers Constantine’s real identity. Now she’s faced with the hardest choice of her life. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from an even greater heartbreak?

Hunting the Hero is the final sizzling regency romance novel in the Wild Randalls series.

My Regency Romance Books

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Sunday Snippet 5 Guarding the Spoils

Sunday Snippet 5 Guarding the SpoilsHi ho, hi ho its time for another Sunday Snippet for WeWriWa. Have you had a great week? Me, I’ve been super busy. Time is flying around here as I’m hard at work on yet another novel in the Wild Randalls Series. Book 4 Hunting the Hero is the last one and I’m anxious to wrap it up well.

My snippet this week is from the upcoming release, Guarding the Spoils. The next section follows on directly from last week where Oliver was trying to get a bit of light reading done but his brother is rudely interrrupting him just for the sake of eating.

He was plotting his biggest escapade yet—a grand tour of the known world. A world far away from this library.

He plucked three volumes from the shelves at random—Greek, Italian, and French—and descended to the main floor. Just enough light reading to last him until morning. Unlike others in his family, he enjoyed reading at all hours of the day and night. He devoured books as quickly as his younger brother demolished a well-roasted leg of lamb at dinner. The years without such precious volumes were a gaping pit of boredom he needed to fill.
“Everyone is waiting on you to go into dinner.”


And that’s my Weekend Writing Warrior’s post. I hope you visit the WeWriWa website to check out the other wonderful work by the authors listed there. Have a great weekend reading.

Sunday Snippet #4 Guarding the Spoils

Sunday Snippet #4

Hey! Welcome back to my website for another WeWriWa post. Thanks for sharing part of your weekend with me.

I’m continuing on from last week with my next release, Guarding the Spoils (due out April 30 btw). Was that too subtle a hint? Sorry. Just getting a little bit excited about the release.. Ooh look pretty cover on the right!

“Damn it, Oliver. Come down at once before you break your neck,” his elder brother demanded.

Oliver ran his fingers over the spines of the books closest. So many bright minds had been granted the freedom to live and experience the world as they saw fit while he had been condemned to the never-ending repetition of days and years with only the wonders of nature’s transitions outside his window to provide any sort of adventure. “Given the circumstances I’ve endured at the duke’s hands these past years, I do not find your reference to my sanity particularly amusing. I’ll come down when I’m ready and not a moment before.”

Oliver had only recently returned to the family fold, to the Romsey Estate and the sweet freedom of personal liberty. Leopold did not understand that Oliver looked for adventure at every opportunity now, even if it was merely helping himself to a second corner of toast and strawberry jam at breakfast or exploring a new point of view.

Sunday Snippet #4

And that’s my Weekend Writing Warrior’s post. I hope you visit the WeWriWa website to check out the other wonderful work by the authors listed there. Have a great weekend reading.

Sunday Snippet #3 Guarding the Spoils

Sunday Snippet #3 Guarding

Hey there. It’s been weeks since I’ve offered up samples from my work. Deadlines must be met. But I’m back sharing snippets from my new and very shiny upcoming release, Guarding the Spoils. This seven sentence is from the introduction. My hero, Oliver Randall, is attempting to indulge in a bit of light reading but his brother Leopold has other ideas.

WHEN OLIVER RANDALL had been very young, he’d believed heaven could only be found in the thirty-feet-square library of Romsey Abbey. At seventeen and wrenched from his studies, he’d been assured he’d never see that library again and the long, lonely years after proved that heaven would be denied him. At eight and twenty, and thanks to his younger brother Tobias’s daring rescue two weeks prior, he’d thought he would be granted his reward. Yet once he’d stood within Romsey library’s hushed confines, filled with books of every sort and description, he’d acknowledged that this place was merely a stepping stone on the path to adventure.

“Have you taken leave of your senses?”

Oliver set the polished wood stepladder against the uppermost shelf edge and scaled the heights of literature, prose, and radical thought in search of entertainment. “They are all still there as far as I can tell, Leopold.”

And that’s my first official Weekend Writing Warrior’s post. I had intended to sign up last week but I got a bit distracted by family. By the time I remembered the list was closed. I hope you visit the WeWriWa website to check out the other wonderful work by the authors listed there.

Guarding the Spoils … the date is set.

The adventure he never expected.

It is with great relief and not a little anxiety that I can happily announce the release date for Guarding the Spoils, Book 3 in the Wild Randalls series will be April 30.

The blurb:


Elizabeth Turner once loved Oliver Randall, but was blind to his desire to travel without the encumbrance of a wife weighing him down. When she learned the truth, Beth settled for the security of a loveless marriage. Now a widow with a son to support, desperation has driven her into service at Romsey Abbey and directly into the path of the man she’d loved and lost.

Oliver has no intentions of letting his dream of travel slip away again even for a pretty face from his past. Since his return to the abbey, he’s planned a grand tour to the continent down even while examining the astonishing emotional changes a decade apart from his brothers has wrought. The last thing Oliver wanted was stronger ties to the people living at Romsey. But then fate offers him both an affair and an unexpected friendship. Is it curiosity alone that stirs him or the beginning of an expected adventure?

Guarding the Spoils is available for pre-order from Kobo now.

To read an excerpt go to the book page >>.

The print edition (below) is gorgeous and will be available on or around the release date. I hope you’re looking forward to the release as much as I am.


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