Just a little taste…

I’m a guest today on the Log Lines Blog, sharing a single sentence to describe my latest release, Forsaking the Prize. Pop over and leave a comment to be in the running for the monthly drawing of a $20 Amazon Gift Certificate.

Six Sunday #38 WIP

Welcome back for another fun Sunday. Thanks for sharing part of your day with me. Last week’s six was really well recieved so I’m sharing the very next six sentences today. Still haven’t chosen a title, must do that before Tuesday, but enough of my issues. Hope you enjoy the six!


The courtesan Lottie Townsend would have instantly dismissed such a man for his lack of fashion. However, the woman Doris Gill judged him as the most interesting she had seen in years in Hyde Park or London.

Dark and impressively broad shouldered from this distance, his frequent smiles to those gathered about him hinted he was of an age far too young to be their father. He ruffled a boy’s hair, separated another squabbling pair, and then turned his attention to a little girl crouched upon the ground.

Her wail pierced the air and Doris winced. Such a shrill pitch augured a very large tantrum in the making, even from this distance.


I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. You will find amazing authors participating in Six Sunday by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #sixsunday via Twitter.

Newsletter reminder and a guest

Quick reminder that my newsletter goes out in 7 days time, including the first chapter of my new free read for subscribers. Sign up now to read from page one and don’t forget to have your say in the title. There’s still time before the final decision is made.

Also today, Sandra Sookoo is taking my place on the Lady Scribes blog. Be sure to swing by and check out her funny post later tonight. 🙂


Six Sunday #37 WIP

Hey there. Welcome back to another week of six sunday on my blog. This week I’m trotting something spanking new. So new it doesn’t actually have a name yet. LOL Rather bad of me but … sometimes that’s how it goes. I’m drawing a blank. If you’re interested in throwing out for a saucy regency, refer to my previous blog for further details about the story. Leave your suggestion here or there. 🙂

So without further ado …


A cool breeze whipped across the Serpentine and carried the trilling cries of children, forcing Doris’ eyes to open in case she was about to be surrounded by an unruly hoard of brats. Luckily, the large family milled about on the other side of the pond and she was safe for the present. The children were gleefully tugging on a kite, trying to make it fly higher in the weak breeze.

The picture of touching innocence should have cheered her, but occasionally such scenes made her ponder what she’d missed by not marrying and having a family of her own. Maternal feelings didn’t come often, no courtesan worth her jewels would admit them out loud if she did, but if she ever was to give up the life of courtesan Lottie Townsend to be plain motherly Doris Gill full time, she wasn’t sure she’d survive that noisy brood.

A tall man stood up suddenly from their midst and caught her eye.


Six Sunday #37 WIP

I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. There is an amazing collection of talented authors participating in Six Sunday. Check them out by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #sixsunday via Twitter.

Writing Update and a challenge

Happy November. Poking my head out of the writing cave for a sec to post an update on all things writing related.

Forsaking the Prize is now out in PRINT at Amazon!!! Yay, crowd goes wild. Don’t they look great side by side. We’re also working to bring my backlist of titles into print in the near future.

Forsaking the Prize is also available at Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple, Sony, Diesel plus we’ve recently added All Romance Ebooks to our sales sites. (see the sidebar for links) It’s pretty cool over at aRE but not every title is available yet. Should be all done by the start of the silly season I hope.

I’m finally working on Wild Randalls Book 3 at long last. I’m just getting to know my hero and heroine better. I know some of you are impatient but hang on for news to come later on potential release month in 2013.

Other stories in the publishing pipeline for 2013:

– a Brighton set novella
– a standalone m/m novella, Always
– a new story for the newsletter — beginning serialization in the November edition.

The Challenge – Name My Story

Between now and November 19 I have to christen my next free serialized story for the newsletter and since I’m drawing a blank I’m throwing the door open to suggestions. Some details about the wip to help:

(1) A new (unmarried) earl struggling with his responsibilities
(2) A courtesan currently between protectors who will never contradict her lovers’ sexual boasts
and (3) A dozen meddlesome siblings (nicknamed the devil’s dozen) determined to marry their brother the earl off as soon as possible.

Cannot wait to see what you come up with.

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