Happy Sunday! Well, it would be if it hasn’t been raining all morning. Don’t get me wrong we need the rain. But rainy days make me want to write. I’m supposed to have my mum hat on today. Writing has to wait until tomorrow.
Miss George’s Second Chance released this week, despite Amazon opening up the Australian store and throwing me into a mild panic at the prices they’d set. I’m hoping some of you were tempted to grab the whole story but if not …. keep reading. I’m continuing the scene straight on from last week. It loses a bit without the last part of the dialogue but them’s the breaks.
Where is your chaperone, Miss George?” Mr. Watson asked suddenly, squinting into the darkness toward the township where their respective homes lay.
With her eyesight as poor as it was, Imogen couldn’t say for certain in which direction her reluctant chaperone, her brother Walter, stood, so she waved her hand airily in the direction she’d left him, hoping her companion would not notice or point out if she were utterly wrong. “Walter is over there. Never mind about him for the present. Do sit down so I may avoid suffering a pained neck from looking up at you.”
As Mr. Watson sank to the ground nearby, a weary sigh left his lips. “I am sorry I tumbled you over earlier tonight, Miss George….”
Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.
Love this snippet, such detail, love the references to her eyesight and straining to look up at him!
Nicely done. Terrific description of the scene.
Congratulations on the book’s release! Enjoyed the excerpt, the smooth tone just carried me along in the story and I want to know more of course!
Awesome snippet again. I love how snippy-snappy she is. Great eight!
I doubt he troubled her earlier…
Imogen is fun, I love her attitude!
Fun snippet.
That’s an interesting way to make him sit down.
Lovely dialogue there.