Sunday Six #1 Midnight Bandit

Six Sentence Sunday might have ended last week but here I am again, dishing up six sentences of a work in progress. This one is brand new and may not necessarily end up a romance but the character is (or will be) tied to a future regency romance series.


Moonlight and shadow danced across the valley floor below, making the quiet night at once sinister and exciting with the prospect of salvation. Captain Jeremy North adjusted his seat on an equally dark gelding and waited with his men for the perfect moment to arrive.

Far below, a coach pulled by four white horses snaked along the valley floor with no idea they were being watched, bound for a wealthy man’s lands and a week long frivolous house party. Jeremy’s invitation had not arrived, and he feared word had reached the hostess’ of the dire straights he’d fallen into. They couldn’t know he had a spectacularly brilliant plan to get out of the mess he’d inherited. It merely required bravery, a little midnight thievery, and a daring plan to accomplish the recovery of his pride and the salvation of his lands.


Thanks for reading!

20 thoughts on “Sunday Six #1 Midnight Bandit”

  1. Ohhh Heather, the imagery the character. I’m really annoyed it’s only six sentences.. By the way I’ve posted something today also πŸ˜€

  2. Yay for midnight thievery and daring plans! Thanks for sharing.

    One nitpick – why is there an apostrophe after hostess? If it was supposed to be possessive, then we’re missing the possessed noun. (hostess’ ears?)

  3. Intriguing! I must read this story when it is finished! Love the hero’s name. Reminds me of Jeremy Northam, the best Mr. Knightley ever. πŸ™‚

  4. Oh brilliant. Actually you had me at “Mignght Bandit” – I’m so easy that’s all it took – but I have a very soft spot for highwaymen. Especially the non-romantic kind.

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