Not much and quite a lot

Short post today since all my blogging brilliance (what there is of it) is posted over at the LadyScribes blog. I’m talking about traveling long distances for the RWA Convention in New York and if you have some essential travel tips be sure to post them.

What’s happened this week? Not much and quite a lot. LOL

After a dreadfully unproductive writing week I opened an old file on the weekend containing a short story idea. The story only had a few pages done. You know the situation – you’re in the middle of something else and get this great idea. You frantically scribble it down somewhere and then promptly forget all about it. The story idea, Wicked Mourning, has been collecting dust bunnies for about six months, yet in three short writing sessions I managed to punch out a great first draft. I’m kinda pleased with myself, and if the short story manages to get past my crit partners with too much revisions I might just get that one published in June. Of course, if I have a short story to publish then there’s the inevitable distraction (read playtime) of designing a book cover. It’s a tough life I have but so much fun. LOL

Unfortunately, that’s pretty much it for me. I’m still reading Death, The Vamp and his brother by Lexxie Couper and if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go finish it. The vamp just busted his brother having sex with Death. LOL

My Regency Romance Books

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